As we wrote on About Us, Brixie loved coursing and she was on top in the Czech and Europe. On this page you can find Brixie’s success on the coursing field.
Europe coursing rating    


8.3.2014 – Brno – Medlánky

Brixie accomplished 2 licence run with partner

15.3.2014 – Radslavice

Brixie accomplished last licence solo run

5.4.2014 – Kolín

Brixie was measured at 48 cm and get racing license

6.4.2014 – Medlánecký sysel – Brno CACIL, CACT

Brixie ran first race

In the end 10th place out of 12 bitches (after the first run was on 3rd place)

13.4.2014 – Galloway cup – Roupov CACT

6th place mix out of 11 whippets, res. CACT (2nd place from bitches)

27.4.2014 – Majstrovstvá Slovenska – Žilina CACIL, CACT

3rd place out of 9 bitches (loss of only one point behind the winner)

3.5.2014 – Hanácký pohár – Radslavice CACT

1st place mix out of 6 whippets, CACT, absolut winner

8.5.2014 – Česká koruna ADP – Chlumec n. Cidlinou CACT

3rd place out of 9 bitches, winner „Beauty and performance ADP 2014“

11.5.2014 – Chlumecký střapec – Chlumec CACIL, CACT

1st place out of 7 bitches, CACIL, CACT

29.6.2014 – FCI European Coursing Championship 2014 – Lavarone

39th place out of 56 bitches

20.7.2014 – Ottenschlag CACIL

8th place out of 11 bitches

27.7.2014 – Gadův memoriál – Rejvíz CACIL, CACT

2nd place out of 7 bitches, res.CACIL, res.CACT

2.8.2014 – Grand Prix – Bratislava CACIL, CACT

11th place out of 12 bitches

13.9.2014 – Mistrovství ČR – Ptýrov CACIL, CACT

3rd place out of 8 bitches (loss of only one point behind the winner)

28.9.2014 – Mistrovství Čech – Lysá nad Labem CACT

1st place mix out of 8 whippets, CACT, MASTER OF BOHEMIA

11.10.2014 – Nemzetközi Magyar Coursing Bajnokság – Alsónémedi CACIL, CACL

3rd place out of 8 bitches, res.CACL

season 2014 – serial V4 cup 2014

4th place V4 cup 2014 out of about 50 participating bitches

9.11.2014 – Mistrovství Moravy Dolní Domaslovice CACT

1st place out of 6 bitches, CACT, MASTER OF MORAVIA

15.11.2014 – Final Wind Cup Zduchovice CACT

3rd place out of 6 bitches

22.11.2014 – Praha

Brixie was again measured after the second year without any problems at 48 cm and can run in other seasons


10.1.2015 – Snow coursing Sněžník CACIL, CACT

1st place out of 6 bitches, CACIL, CACT, best female of day

 1.2.2015 – Snow wind cup Hrdoňov CACIL, CACT

3rd place out of 12 bitches

 11.4.2015 – Krutej coursing Krutěnice CACT

4th place out of 9 bitches


3rd place out of 12 bitches

2.5.2015 – CHARTcorowa Majówka V4 CUP – CACIL, CCWC

4th place out of 16 bitches

7.6.2015 – FCI European Coursing Championship 2015 – CACIL

30th place out of 40 bitches

20.6.2015 – Pohár sv. Rocha Radíč – CACT

9th place out of 10 whippets

28.6.2015 Medzinárodný coursing Jasenie V4 CUP – CACIL, CACT, “Beauty and performance”

3rd place out of 10 bitches, winner “Beauty and performance SKCHCH 2015”

25.7.2015  Gadův memoriál Rejvíz – CACIL, CACT, V4 CUP

3rd place out of 12 bitches

2.8.2015  Chlumecký střapec – CACT

2nd out of 8 bitches, res. CACT

15.8.2015  V4 cup Alsónémédi CACIL, CACL

7th place out of 8 bitches

12.9.2015  Mistrovství Čech Ptýrov V4 cup, CACIL, CACT

4th place out of 12 bitches

27.9.2015  Mistrovství Moravy Vítkov V4 cup, CACIL, CACT

4th place out of 10 bitches

25.10.2015 CHARTcorowy Halloween CCWC/CACIL/Finał PP/Finał V4CUP

3rd place out of 21 bitches

season 2015 – serial V4 cup 2015

3rd place V4 cup 2015 out of about 65 participating bitches

14.11.2015 Final Wind Cup CACT

2nd place out of  9 bitches, res.CACT


 30.1.2016 – Snow wind cup Hrdoňov CACIL, CACT

10th place out of 14 bitches

 27.3.2016 – Medlánecký sysel CACIL, CACT

7th place out of 15 bitches

22.10.2016 – CHARTcorowy Halloween CACIL, CCWC

injury, then finger operation 🙁


 14.4.2018 – Slovak Coursing Championship CACIL, CACT, V4 cup

18th place out of 19 females, but first two runs without injury her twice operated finger 🙂